ISO 14001:2015 Certification
Welcome to Digital Way Startup ISO 14001:2015 is an international standard that specifies requirements for an Environmental Management System (EMS). Organizations can pursue ISO 14001:2015 certification to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability and effective management of environmental impacts. Here's an overview of ISO 14001:2015 certification:
- Environmental Policy: Organizations must establish an environmental policy that reflects their commitment to compliance with applicable legal requirements and continual improvement in environmental performance. The policy should be communicated and understood within the organization.
- Legal and Other Requirements: ISO 14001 requires organizations to identify and keep updated on applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to environmental aspects. Compliance with these requirements is a fundamental aspect of the EMS.
- Internal Auditing: Regular internal audits of the EMS are required to verify its conformance and effectiveness. Internal audits help identify areas for improvement and ensure ongoing compliance with the standard.